Crate subxt_signer

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The main output from this crate is the sr25519::Keypair, which can be constructed from a bip39 phrase, secret URI or raw seed, and used to sign and verify arbitrary messages. This crate is aligned with how Substrate’s sp_core crate constructs and signs keypairs, but is lighter on dependencies and can support compilation to WASM with the web feature.

Enable the subxt feature to enable use of this sr25519::Keypair in signing subxt transactions for chains supporting sr25519 signatures.



  • An ecdsa keypair implementation.
  • An sr25519 keypair implementation.


  • A secret uri (SURI) that can be used to generate a key pair.


  • A since derivation junction description. It is the single parameter used when creating a new secret key from an existing secret key and, in the case of SoftRaw and SoftIndex a new public key from an existing public key.
  • This is returned if FromStr cannot parse a string into a SecretUri.


  • The root phrase for our publicly known keys.


Type Definitions